Blog-edy blog blog.

… this php malarkey is just too complicated to understand. I’ve been to all the workshops, written pages and pages of notes, been to a tutorial and still feel absolutely clueless about what I’m supposed to do next. I know what I want to do, I just don’t know how to go about it. Stupidly all the php related things that I want to do, I haven’t been shown; or at least I have, but just can’t understand the principle of how it works. I’ve even got a book (which I know a few other people have) called “PHP 5 in easy steps”…’easy steps’ my arse! I can’t recognise any similar coding in the book that we’ve been shown in workshops.

This is hell. Two sodding weeks left to do this project and I’m wasting my time moaning about it because I think it’s the only constructive thing I can do right now (unless you call screaming into a pillow constructive…tried it, and still didn’t feel any better). I sound bitter! I’ve only just got to grips with html.

I don’t think I’ve set myself an unrealistic goal, it just that now I’ve hit a wall and don’t know which way to go around it. Once I start to learn the principles, then I can get on with it myself. I just know that I will be asking for too much if I get help on this, but I don’t know what to do? I know…

*Public Announcement*

If anyone is available to become my personal tutor until I get my head around this project, then there just may be a home made curry in it for you….believe me they’re good.

Bribe anyone? p l e a s e?!

et cetera