Blog-edy blog blog.

{December 18, 2006}   Online Assignments

I’ve just done my second and third online assignment for Media and Participation. I think I’m doing OK so far but I am always daunted by other people’s posts. They are so much more intellectual than I am! :S

I should start doing my Authorship Essay now. I think I have some good ideas now, I just need to formulate them and try and construct them to flow and make sense….Oh yeah and also relate it to my project. Speaking of which it’s pretty much done,  ( )but the annoying thing is that nobody outside of University can upload photos. It’s not my fault of course, apparantly nobody can as the server wont let anything external through… defeats the whole idea of the project basically 😦


{December 11, 2006}   The hump in the code

That’s right, after several weeks of PHP nightmare I’ve finally overcome the hump in the code. Now obviously I’m no PHP genius, buuuut and this is a big but, I can actually do this website for myself. I’m at the stage where I’m using trial and error to see if my website works, and that’s a big step for me. Yeah, so it did take me a while to get up to speed, but hey at least I got there….for myself may I stress 🙂

The problem is though, that I set myself a too big a target. I know that’s what everyone says to try and avoid, but in my defence I based my idea on what I thought I would be actually learning and be able to do. I just completely left out the fact that I might not be able to pick up PHP coding that well. What’s done is done now I suppose, and it’s been so much more worth while that I did it for myself. So much more rewarding.

I just need now to tidy it up this week, find some users for my site and burn it to CD ready for hand in. Then I can concentrate on the essay, hopefully I should find that a lot easier. I found the first lecture on Authorship really solid and took a lot away from it, but after that it just fizzeld out. Nothing that a quick refresher and some background reading couldn’t cure.

et cetera