Blog-edy blog blog.

It’s done, thank God! It took me so long to do and it is undoubtedly the worst essay I’ve ever written. I had so many ideas in my head and written down on bits of paper, but I couldn’t for the life of me put them all together to make them flow. I’m just so glad I’ve written it and had the extra time. I just need to complete the referencing part now.

Now I can concentrate on the next games project and get stuck into it without being distracted. It should be fun the next project, but we’ll wait and see how it goes.

{January 11, 2007}

I have done my website! Yay. It’s my online portfolio, nothing special (it looks a bit blank actually) but at time goes on I can update it with cool stuff. So check it out….and then tell me what you think 😛

I just bought a book on Creating a Web Site with Flash, it’s a simple book so it should be straight forward to understand. Then I’ll probably update my website in Flash so it’ll look…Flashy-er  :S   Still need to get my essay done though, I suppose there’s always tomorrow.

{January 4, 2007}   Happy New Year!

I know I overshot the New Year greeting by a few days but better late than never. Christmas and New Year went by so quickly, and so is this Christmas holiday. I really wanted to get my essay done in the first week of the hols but I think that was more like wishful thinking. I’ve written two pages worth of contextual analysis ideas, with quotes and examples but I’m having trouble putting them all together so that they flow. I’m halfway done with 1000 words but I don’t think it’ll be long before I run out of things to say and then just ramble on into some blatent padding to fill out the essay.

With all the notes I have, I cross half of them out because they aren’t really relevent to my project. I’m also having trouble with the whole 3rd person, reflecting on your own work whilst relating it to theory and doing somersaults at the same time (well you know that last bit is a fib, but thats how it feels).

Like everything though, it will all be ok in the end simply because if it isn’t then I will fail, and I hate failure! Right I have more or less a week left to do this, before I go back to uni . I have other stuff to do like build my own website for my portfolio ( and apply for work experience, and the next project.

 Anyways, less rambling and more working… will update you when the last 1000 is done, (don’t even want to think about that dissertation next year, however will I cope?).


et cetera